Blair T. Johnson
Prof. Blair T. Johnson is a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the University of Connecticut’s Department of Psychological Sciences, where he teaches courses related to health psychology, attitude change, and meta-analysis. Johnson has been a prominent scientific methodologist throughout his career, especially in relation to meta-analysis, which he labels “TheOriginal Big Data.” He has long published treatises on the best methods for meta-analysis, most recently urging systematic review teams to developbetterpre-review goals, to report their methods with high transparency, and to report their results with great clarity. Other recent methods work has focused on spatiotemporal strategies to bring community- and neighborhood-level factors to bear on health behavior and health behavior change. His substantive research focuses on social influence and behavioral health, especially HIV/AIDS, exercise and blood pressure, placebo responding in antidepressants, and strategies to improve mental and physical health and to promote healthy lifestyle choices. He has been awarded numerous grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and other sources. Currently, Dr. Johnson is a Senior Editor with Social Science & Medicine and an Associate Editor of Psychological Bulletin. He will be the Editor-in-Chief with Psychological Bulletin starting in 2020.