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First Announcement of Conference & Call for Abstracts

发布时间:2023-11-30 点击量:

First Announcement of Conference &

Call for Abstracts



The 5th Belt & Road Initiative Global Health International Congress &

2024 University Alliance of the Silk Road

Global Health Forum

June 21~23, 2024, Xi’an, China



2024年6月21日~23日, 中国•西安


The Conference will be held in Xi’an, China, on June 21-23, 2024. It will be jointly hosted by Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Sciences Center, Global Health Institute, School of Public Health, the Health Sub-Alliance of the University Alliance of the Silk Road, and the Obesity Prevention and Control Society of Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS-OPCS), and co-organized by World Obesity Federation (WOF), International Diabetes Federation (IDF), China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) and other organizations.

Leaders and experts from China and abroad will present at the conference, including delegates from international organizations. The conference consists about 20 keynote and thematic forums, including a youth forum. The conference calls for abstract submission. Interested scholars and postgraduate students from China and overseas are welcome to join! Key information is as follows:

1. Conference Theme

Innovation- Cooperation-Sharing-Global Health


2. Conference Topics

The Congress will cover over 20 topics of significant global health issues, with keynote speech forum, various thematic forums, young scholar forum and poster exhibition. Following are examples:  

1) Keynote Speech Forums

2) Gerontology & Healthy Aging (Co-organized with CHPAMS, etc)

3) Digital Health (dHealth)

4) Medical-prevention Integration

5) Healthy China - Active Health

6) Health Disparities Elimination

7) Obesity Prevention and Control (Co-organized with WOF, CNS-OPCS)

8) Diabetes Prevention and Control (Co-organized with IDF)

9) Chronic Diseases Prevention and Control

10) Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control

11) Environment Health and Endemic Diseases Prevention and Control

12) Nutrition and Health

13) Health Media and Health Promotion

14) Cross-disciplinary Cooperation - Dean's Forum

15) Cross-disciplinary - Health Management – Roundtable

16) Training in Research Paper Writing: Dialogue with Editor-in-Chief of Top International Journals

17) Young Scholar Forum

18) Poster Exhibition

3. Selected Invited Speakers

Over 100 leaders and experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), World Obesity Federation (WOF), International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Chinese National Health Commission, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), Asia-Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA), Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS) and other institutions, other scholars from around the globe, presidents of universities and hospitals, will attend the conference and have academic exchange.

4. Schedule


Venue: Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, China

Language: In English and Chinese

5. Enterprise Cooperation / Sponsors

The congress invites outstanding domestic and international companies to support and cooperate.

6. Contact Us

Ms. Lihua YAN (Dean Office, Xi’an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute)

Tel: +86-29-8896-7396 (office)

Email: ylihua@xjtu.edu.cn

7. Registration

Please follow the WeChat official account of "Xi’an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute"(ID: GHI_XJTU). More details will be released later.

8. Call for Abstracts

To be selected for posters and oral presentations, and for awards: The conference welcomes scholars and postgraduate students in relevant fields to submit abstracts. Excellent abstracts will be selected for posters or oral presentations in the "Youth Forum". Outstanding reports will be awarded the "Young Scholar Star Award Certificate" and prizes.

8.1 Topics

1) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases

2) Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases

3) Prevention and Control of Obesity

4) Nutrition and Health

5) Environmental Health and Endemic Diseases Prevention and Control

6) Gerontology & Healthy Aging

7) Health Systems and Policies

8) Health Big Data Research

9) Digital Health (dHealth)

10) Health Promotion

11) Health Disparities

12) Other topics

8.2 Requirements for Abstracts

1) The study should not have been published in any academic journals.

2) Abstracts should be submitted as a word file via email, to XJTU_GHI_BRGHC@163.com. The Email subject line and the document title should be named using the: “BRGHC5 submit + author’s name + affiliation + topic (see above list)”. We do not accept full papers.

3) Abstracts should be in English and <300 words for the main text; in total <500 words for the full submission, including study title, author information (name, job title, institution, email). The abstracts should be written in a structured format, including study aims, methods, results, conclusions, and keywords; and declare conflicts of interest.

8.3 Important Dates

Deadline: April 15, 2024

Notification of acceptance: By June 1, 2024

8.4 Review and Selection of Abstracts

The Academic Committee of the Conference will organize an expert review meeting to review all the abstracts submitted, selected abstracts will be included in the Abstract Brochure, and excellent abstracts will be selected for posters and oral presentations.

****Abstracts without paying registration fee will not be accepted****

****Excellent presentations will be awarded “Young Scholar Star Award Certificate” and prizes! ***

9. Background of the Conference

Health is an essential cornerstone for mankind’s well-being and happiness. It is an important indicator of national prosperity and civilization. The burden of chronic diseases is escalating worldwide. The resolution of the problems requires interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation, to help build a community of shared future for mankind.

During 2017-2022, the Xi'an Jiaotong University Global Health Research Institute (GHI), in collaboration with other leading institutions from China and abroad, has successfully held four Belt & Road Initiative Global Health International Congresses. Nobel Prize winners, academicians, leading experts and leaders, presidents of university and hospital, such as those from the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the Chinese National Health Commission, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC), Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA), Chinese Nutrition Society (CNS) and other institutions, have participated in the conferences.

**** Please follow our official WeChat account or scan the QR Code below to get more information and updates! ****


Following is a summary (in English and Chinese) of the 2022 4th Belt & Road Initiative Global Health International Congress:

