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Haitao Chu

Date:2020-01-19 Source: Visits:

Dr. Haitao Chu is a tenured Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, and an elected member of the Society of Research Synthesis Methodology. Dr. Chu received his PhD in Biostatistics from Emory University in 2003. Dr. Chu was an Assistant (Research) Professor of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University from 2003 to 2007, and a Research Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill from 2007 to 2010. Dr. Chu develops innovative methods for both observational studies and randomized clinical trials, and provides a full spectrum of cutting-edge statistical consulting services to biomedical investigators. Dr. Chu has published over 140 peer-reviewed manuscripts with over 7,000 Google Scholar citations. Dr. Chu has served as a Principal Investigator for multiple statistical methodology grants totaled over $1.2m, and as a co-Investigator for collaborative grants totaled over $50m. Dr. Chu had graduated 8 Master and 8 PhD students, and he currently is advising 3 PhD students. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the American Journal of Epidemiology and Statistics in Medicine.

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