Haik Nikogosian
Dr. Haik Nikogosian received his PhD and Professorship in medicine and health services and Doctorate in healthcare organization and public health.Hehas long been involved in leading positions in public health, with significant roles played for health services and policies, counteracting major global health challenges and promoting cutting-edge developments and international cooperation in health. He is currently Senior Fellow at the Global Health Centre, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies inGeneva, with concentration on global health instruments, diplomacy and governance. He worked in senior positions in the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001-2017, most recently as Special Representative of the WHO Regional Director for Europe; currentlySenior Consultant to WHO. In 2007–2014, Dr. Nikogosian served as the first Head of Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).In 2001-2007 he served as the Head of Noncommunicable Diseases and Lifestyles. His recent publications covered a range of issues on global health instruments and the intersection of regional and global health.