Professor Anatoly V. Skalnyiscurrently the chief research officer of the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, head of Medical Elementology department of the Medical Institute of Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), vice-president of the UNESCO Institute for Microelements (Lyon, France), director of the Institute of Bioelementology of the Orenburg State University, vice-president of the Federation of European Communities for the Study of Microelements and Minerals (FESTEM), chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Organizations "Russian Society of Medical Elementology" (RUSTEM), founder of the ANO "Center for Biotic Medicine" (CBM), full member of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, full member of the National Environmental Science Academy (NESA, India). Chief Editor of the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine. Professor Skalny and his team have been working on the relationship between the distribution of elements in nature and human diseases. He firstly proposed the concept of elemental omics.The main research contents include the relationship between the content of elements in natural environment and the distribution of human diseases, the improvement of element detection methods, mineral metabolic diseases, unbalanced dietary nutrition, and the diagnosis of food poisoning, as well as the prevention and treatment, development of new nutrients and nutrient-rich health food.