Xiaochun Wang
Senior Advisor for Disease Control
Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Professor of Epidemiology
Center for Global Public Health
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Prof. Wang Xiaochun is an epidemiology professor and has been working more than 30 years in China CDC on infectious disease prevention and control, especially Sexual Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, as well as global public health . Hecurrently is serving as Senior Advisor for Disease ControlinAfrica CDC.
From 1984 to 1996, Prof. Wang worked atDepartment of Diarrhea Diseases,Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicineand LiaoningCenter for Disease Control and Prevention, and engaged in choleraandother diarrheal diseasesprevention and control work. From1997to2000, Dr. WangworkedasNational Program CoordinatorinProgram Implementation Unitof theEuropean Union-China Training Program on STD and HIV/AIDS. He was director of the international cooperation andprogrammanagementofficeand chiefmanager oftheChina Global Fund HIV/AIDS Programof National Center for AIDS and STD Prevention and Control (NCAIDS) in China CDC from 2001 to 2012. From 2013 to 2015, Prof. Wang was director ofDepartment of Hepatitis C and STD Prevention and Controlof theNCAIDS. Since 2016, Prof. Wang has been working as actingdirectoroftheCenter for Global Public HealthinChina CDCto beresponsible for development and implementation of global public health policy and strategyand also lead to carry out the China-SierraLeonetechnicalcooperation program and facilitate to support development of the Africa CDC.
Prof. Wang had chaired acertain number oftask groups to develop and implement national programs for the past some 20years, such as HIV voluntary testing andcounseling, expanded HIV testing in STD clinics, and surveillance system andemergencyresponse toHepatitis C.He has extensiveexperience in project design, implementation and management.From 2002 to 2012, he led working groupsto successfully apply for GlobalFundHIV/AIDS programfor several timesandwas responsible for theimplementation and management of the program.During April 2007 to March 2008,he had beenworking at the WHO regional office (WPRO) as technical officer of HIV/STI. He was alsomember of WHO/WPRO HepatitisExpertAdvisoryGroup. Prof. Wang had ever studied for masterdegreein theCommunity Health and Health ManagementatUniversity of Heidelberg(Germany) in 1995 and for DrPH study in theInfectiousandTropical DiseasesatLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine(UK) in 2005.