Prof. Shaw Watanabe is currently the President of the Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society and President emeritus of the Life Sciences Promoting Association. As a distinguished hematopathologist at the National Cancer Institute (US) and the Pathology Division, National Cancer Center (Japan), he defined criteria for T-cell lymphoma/leukemia and histiocytic tumors. He was the appointed director of the Epidemiology Division, National Cancer Center (1985–1996), where he established a population based cohort study-JPHC.As a consultant, he also contributed to the success of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. As a professor of public nutrition, he was one of the pioneers of the use of functional food, and received the WHO Tobacco or Health Medal, the Japan Medical Association Award, the Japan Epidemiological Association Award, and the Award of Contribution to Society from the Keio University Medical School.