Dr. Hong Xue is Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy. He has been principle - and co-investigator and key systems scientist on multiple NIH and state-funded large grants (e.g., NIH U54 HD070725-01, $16million (Co-I); NIH R01HD064685-01A1 (Co-I), $3.5 million; Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth (PI), $500,000). Dr. Xue conducts interdisciplinary research in public health and in particular, integrates economics, nutrition, epidemiology, and systems science in studying smoking (e-cigarettes), obesity and non-communicable chronicdiseases (NCDs). His primary research interests are in health economics, nutritional epidemiology, systems science, (childhood) obesity, mHealth, machine learning and big data analytics. He is also interested in systems approach oriented economic and nutritional epidemiological research on obesity and NCDs prevention and control in domestic and international settings. He is a reviewer of a number of top journals such as the American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Advances in Nutrition, etc.